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What common sense of lesbian?

Nov. 04, 2024, 11:00 AM Release

As a lesbian, what knowledge do I need to master in terms of social, emotional, social status, family relationships, cultural awareness, self-image, etc. in order to go further on the path of loving my daughter?


  • Be cautious when coming out

If you wait until you are financially independent in a traditional family before considering coming out, you can protect yourself and also protect your loved ones.

  • Internal and external cultivation

It's true that appearance adds points, but what's more important is an interesting soul and a good personality.

  • Don't label yourself

Even Iron T may be shy in bed, don't be too rigid.

  • protective measures

If a relationship occurs, it is strongly recommended to take protective measures as it is safer.

  • Maintain humility

Don't think you are superior to others, and don't think it's sad to be a lesbian.

  • Gender identity

No matter how strong you are, whether you are male or female, there is no need to deliberately pretend to be strong.

  • Economic Importance

Your financial situation is crucial when looking for a partner and coming out.

  • Respect your partner

No matter if you come out of the closet, if you have a partner, you can say 'I'm not single' when asked, which is a form of respect.

  • Uncertainties in dressing up

Wearing a skirt doesn't mean you're biased, and liking a neutral outfit doesn't mean you're biased.

  • Try to understand others

Don't resent your parents or friends for not understanding, sometimes they are just afraid that you will suffer too much.

  • Face and dignity

Sometimes, face and dignity are not the most important.

  • Strive to move forward

Because you are special, you need to work harder to move forward.

  • Trust partner

Lesbians may not have a contract, but living together as partners requires giving each other a lot of trust.

  • Be yourself

You don't need to dress up by hugging your chest, smoking, drinking, etc. Just be your real self.

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