Viet girlies!
For all the Vietnamese American girls living a unique experience, we can share our culture together! I want to meet more people like me!#vietnamese# #Vietnamese#vietnamese#american#vietnamese#Việt Nam#

left XHS
I enjoyed XHS for a while but it turns out, many Chinese still hate Vietnamese people. We are now "thieves" for being colonized and forced into their culture. They were so kind to other cultures, too...
So sad. To my Viet sisters, I love you and wish you a happy new year! Chuc mung nam muoi! Nam muoi vui ve, cac ban! #Vietnam# #vietnamese#Vietnam#vietnam#

dolls!!! 🖤🤍
My babies are just so cute omg!!!
I cut their hair to look like Xion and Naminé from Kingdom Hearts!
我把他们的头发剪成看起来像 Xion 和 Naminé.
Kingdom Hearts 是我最喜欢的
#doll20cm# # #

Pride month 🌈
Happy Pride Month!!!! 🌈 #loveislove# #pridemonth#loveislove#LesPark Pride#

Lovely fashion!!!
I have been super busy at a convention lately, I made my dress the week before TTuTT
I am wearing lolita fashion based on Xie Lian from TGCF!
我一直在设计一件以 ~谢怜~ 为基础的洛丽塔连衣裙!我心爱的花城在哪里?#cosplay# #cosplayer#cosplay#谢怜COS#cosplay#花城#cosplayer#谢怜cos#