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Sau những tổn thương thì anh quyết định chọn cô đơn☺️ #loveislove# # #
Pé Heo: 👏👏👏👍👍👍
Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny 🤫🤟🏼
Rambut raya geng hehe
#LesParkTalent# #malaysia#LesParkTalent#selamathariraya#

ᴹᴿ𝐃𝐘⁵🕊: Selamat Hari Raya, My Client. Ahh gitew 😆. Muah Ciked 😚
summer almost ends, thank god the breezes start to cool down and rain starts to pour
while everything was chaos, and out of control, sometimes people misunderstood you even just for breathing, it's something we can't control and that's okay..
that's how we learn how to be wise and protect our sanity
so. have a nice cold drink and enjoy the world burn 🔥. #LesParkTalent# #daily#LesParkTalent#daily#
Lets play 🤣🤣🤣
#loveislove# #lovewins#loveislove#LesParkTalent#loveislove#dating#lovewins#Couple List# #miss you# #lovewins#